Thursday 7 October 2021

No Emergency

 I noticed that comment at the end of my last post and of course nothing happened for the rest of the day. I caught sight of the fact that it had been F.A.Cup weekend as well as Women's F.A.Cup weekend and the draws took place on Monday.

I elected to updated both the Mens and Womens F.A.Cup spreadsheets and spent time checking why losing teams in the women's draw had gone up as going through. That took several hours to find nothing and when I checked again a day or two later the draw had gone up wrong as, of course, the winning teams go through to the next round. It had been an F.A. error. The F.A. know F.A. as we all know.

On top of those two I had to complete the F.A. Youth Cup spreadsheet which I added this year and I love the fact that teams many steps below other teams (as far as their parent club are concerned) can win easily as youth teams do not always perform like their first teams. Results on this spreadsheet make me warm with delight. I will have to find some of the best results and post them up.

All this and some medical checkups have meant a delay to this weeks match reports which I hope (but do not guarantee) will follow this post.

The last two nights I have spent on DAZN You Tube which is new to me but they have been showing the Womens Champions League Group Stage matches. My Arsenal girls lost 4-1 away at Barcelona on Tuesday and last night Chelsea drew 3-3 at home to Wolfsburg. I watched the second half of Chelsea on a "new" reconditioned iPad that I purchase recently that is a good deal better than the old iOS 9.0 I have been using for years now.

Looking at my RESULTS spreadsheet it might take all day to find match reports for matches from Saturday through to Wednesday so the early season reviews will have to wait at least another week (N.B. Hoping that prediction will also be wrong).

It is a good job I enjoy my football and the statistics that go with it.

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