Tuesday 28 September 2021

Activate 3 Shaldon Villa 1

 Another battling game today by the Ladies. The final result was 3-1 to Activate.

The Ladies are trying their hardest and doing the right things but unfortunately the results just aren't going our way at the minute.
A huge well done though to the whole team, after a less than stellar performance last week in the cup, they picked themselves back up and played some good football. The thing that is missing at the moment is consistency for 90 minutes, which will definitely come. We currently have lots of players nursing ongoing injuries and so to give their all the way they do for 90 minutes is really great and something to be proud of.
Our goal was scored by Lucy Rosser, who pounced on a ball that deflected off a defender. It was definitely a game that could have seen more goals for the ladies but luck was not on our side.
There is still lots to work on in training but we fully believe that the results will start going our way soon.
Onwards and upwards as always, and we look forward to our next game this coming Sunday against Plymouth Uni!
Up the Villa

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