Wednesday 10 November 2021

Wednesday 10th November

 Tonight Exeter City take on Bristol Rovers in the EFL Trophy that nobody cares about except the eventual winners who will display it and call it a TROPHY. Good luck to the Grecians.

I will be watching the Arsenal Girls who kick off in 45 minutes time on DAZN, the relatively new You Tube offering that remains free at the moment and we wait to see whether it becomes a subscription offering or floods the coverage with advertising.

I took my brother to Exmouth today and we walked the whole seafront both ways as well as wandering around Darts Farm, a local produce shopping centre with unusual offerings of many things including mugs so I came home with a mug showing me all the sea areas around Britain that you hear about on the weather forecast. I have no excuses for not knowing now and there is an explanation of changes on the other side of the cup which explains why I got it wrong once as way back in 2002 Finisterre was renamed Fitzroy so that the Spanish could lay claim to their own Finisterre peninsula.

Tomorrow we visit the House of Marbles and then head to Becky Falls. I shall be checking my Apple Watch at the end of tomorrow as well. Fitness has improved just by walking and talking as there is a lot to catch up on.

I am paying for dinner tomorrow night as they are heading home on Friday. I have also invited my daughter and now new fiance to join us. Be pleased for us.

Now back to the important bit - Arsenal Ladies away at Koge.

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