Saturday 4 May 2013

End of Day One

As we reach the end of day one of this blog even if I do no more I hope it inspires others.

I have good intentions but that may mean I am on the road to hell.

I used to be part of a cricket club with two teams and I played for the second team at the bottom of the lowest division of the lowest league in my area. I stayed ten years as we expanded to six teams and rose a few divisions allowing the third team, then the fourth team, then the fifth team into the league. I have left now but I still follow the club and last season all five teams gained promotion and I believe the sixth team have now been accepted into the league. You need players that can move up just the right amount if you are going to reach the top. The first team have just reached the Premier Division for the second time.

To keep everyone happy they have to get a match at a level in which they can compete. Sometimes you need to be challenged and sometimes you need to be made aware of how good you are.

More thoughts as time progresses. If you start your own "Project Pyramid" please do me the honour of linking to my blog and I will link to yours.

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