Friday 3 June 2016

Close Season

It is times like these that leave me missing the overcoverage of football from August to May. I often get hold of information from the internet, follow a link from there, then a link from there until I come across something quite obscure. I think that is how I first came across the idea of the football pyramid which has fascinated me ever since.

I was very frustrated listening to a football commentator talking about the "Combination Counties League" as he clearly knows too little about the lower leagues to be allowed on national television. Was he trying to merge the Combined Counties League with the Southern Combination League? I think not, and I put it down to pure ignorance. So he fits in well with most football supporters.

I was sat in church once when the minister asked the question "Does Worthing have a football team" to which the answer from the congregation was "NO!". It was not irony. They clearly had no idea that there are two teams in the town, one of which has just been promoted from step 4 to step three (level 7) of the pyramid and the other, Worthing United, were in the national press when two of their players were killed as a result of an airshow crash. It seems that only the Football League matters to the mass of ignorami out there.

What we need is more coverage of the sport at the lower level on television. Did I just say that? With wall to wall coverage on SKY and BT and BBC and ITV I can enjoy all week watching football now. I do pity my poor wife but as long as I let her watch Emmerdale at 7pm I am allowed my football from 7:30pm or 7:45pm until we share time on the Firestick from 9:15pm or 9:30pm.

Not any more.

The season is over.

We only have the Euros to look forward to in June.

Hang on.

That may be enough to keep me watching football every night.

Great times.

See you soon.

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