Saturday 21 December 2019

Results PM Saturday 21st December = A long day continues

I have the Liverpool v. Flamengo match on in the window beside this one. It is still Nil Nil as I write but Liverpool are peppering the Flamengo goal. Barbosa hits the ball over the bar for Flamengo.

I watched Everton play Arsenal in the match where both defences are considered so bad that we were guaranteed a goal fest. Naturally the match finished Nil Nil. Maybe the threat of the two new managers woke both defences up a bit.

Brentford travelled to West Bromwich Albion and earned a 1-1 draw.

Southend travelled to Bolton Wanderers and went down 3-2.

Exeter were 3-2 down to Walsall at half time but equalised in the second half for a 3-3 draw.

Both National League sides lost:

Chesterfield turned up at Torquay and won the match 3-0.

St Albans City travelled to Weymouth and won their match 1-0.

The Southern League gave me one win and one defeat. You can already guess.

Tiverton Town travelled to Dorchester Town and trounced them 5-1.

Barnstaple returned to form with a 2-0 defeat at home to Evesham Town.

From Exmouth in the Western League down all matches were postponed due to torrential rain.

Rain, Rain, Go Away. Do not return until the end of May.

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