Saturday 3 May 2014

Familiar result, better performance

So how did my latest trip to watch the Elmore Eagles go?

We, the greens, lost 5-3. All the early play was Godolphin going forward and they deservedly took the lead. With the score at 0-1 a player that we identified as Shaun Goff got forward and charged down a defensive hoof taking the blow right on the head. He went down and took time to recover but this seemed to galvanise the Eagles who carried on forward and equalised. With the score at 1-1 Godolphin took over again and added two more goals before half time. My wife commented that the only team with fight was light blue.

After half time the greens (Elmore) showed a lot more fight and took the game to the visitors deservedly getting another goal to make the score 2-3. This raised the temperature a little and the yellow card was shown quite frequently from this point forward. Godolphin got the next goal via a penalty to take the score to 2-4 but far from giving up the Elmore Eagles continued forward and scored a third giving the home fans some hope of a comeback. Elmore got a third goal and the comeback was still possible.

The Elmore centre half and the Godolphin centre forward then threw a couple of tackles in to show that they had plenty more in reserve if needed. I think at least one them could and probably should play at a higher level. Sadly for the home fans the light blues (Godolphin) got the final goal and the match settled down until the final whistle was blown on a 3-5 scoreline.

Eight goals has to be good value for the £5 entrance fee and the £1 that I paid for the program is probably the best value I have got for £1 in about 10 years. There was a full centre page photograph of the team that allowed us to identify many of the players and I could, so maybe I will, mention a few.

1) Richard Jones has an odd habit of running forward by placing first his left foot then his right foot on the side line. He could not get any wider without running out of the field of play.

2) Daniel Tapp was the player involved in the professional looking two footed tackle on their centre forward.

3) Shaun Goff was booked for offering the referee his long and considered opinion on the veracity of the penalty. I think that this was delivered at a considerable volume.

If I go again, and I very well may (but I said a similar thing last year) then I will try and get to know some more player names and add detail to any future reports.

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