Wednesday 19 June 2013

Local Leagues

I could detail all the wonderful and strange sounding names at Local League Level but that is of minority interest so can remain hidden until another time.

My local league for my pyramid is the Devon & Exeter League which contains nine divisions, the Premier Division and eight others.

I have also found the South Devon League that contains seven divisions, the Premier Division and six others.

The only other league researched to date is the Perry Street & District League that I picked up when one of their teams applied to one of the recognised leagues that I have been checking out. This one has five divisions, the Premier Division and four others.

I shall be keeping my eye open for other leagues as this blog is about the football pyramid so I want to find out how many building blocks there are supporting the structure. We know about the pinnacle and Manchester United with Alex Ferguson retiring this summer, but much of the structure that leads to those heights goes completely unnoticed.

One day I hope to make contact with someone who has played football on a park pitch in a lovely little dell called Summerseat in Lancashire. I passed it many times when calling in on relatives and often wondered if anyone went on to fame and fortune.

I think we have enough information now to publicise this blog and try to get others to join in. Send me your links and I promise if I am still breathing to include all those that remain active.

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